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The original was posted on /r/okbuddyphd by /u/TheGayestGaymer on 2024-04-03 01:38:23.

Posting here because I know I’ll probably come off as really pretentious lol.

Sometimes, I’ll find some researcher giving a talk soon (at a university) on something fascinating. Just occasionally, I will get pumped enough for the talk that I’ll just mention it in my research group on Slack.

The response is often just COMPLETE silence. Like, they’re all either completely dead inside or become so jaded that this is nothing more than another 9-5 job to clock in/out of. Maybe they’re just shy, thats often a risk when youre around peers i guess, I don’t know.

There’s alot of students in my research group that are wall-flower personality types that just sit there and smile never adding to a conversation (God it’s so annoying).

One time at a meeting, one of them ACTUALLY said something and I was so blown away I just started enthusiastically agreeing with their point and mentioned their comments as the conversation continued on in the hopes I could encourage them to talk some more.

I love my field (Geophysics) and I just don’t get the people that want to sit on the sidelines out of fear of looking less than perfect by saying something.

That’s my rant, thanks for coming to my TED talk.