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The original was posted on /r/jailbreak by /u/y08wilm1 on 2024-04-03 00:52:15.

Semaphorin uses mineek/seprmvr64 ( to tether downgrade your device without blobs by patching out sep

Official repo:

We are pleased to announce that we have added apfs support to our tool, together with support for many more devices! We added apfs support to the project over the last few days and as a result of that we were able to add support for a lot more devices. For those of you that are not yet informed, this is a fully functional gui program to tether downgrade a7 devices to iOS 7 with full jailbreak, sideloading, itunes& app store support. This is huge news for the jailbreaking community, because it means not only is jailbreak possible with sepless downgrade on certain versions, but it also means sideloading is too! Now with this update, you can now downgrade a8, a8x, and a9 devices to iOS 10.3.3 to 11.1 also! Not only that but the script now dualboots your iOS device by default if you are downgrading to iOS 10.3.3 or later! That means when downgrading to iOS 10.3.3 or later, this is a semi tethered downgrade and not fully tethered. It is note worthy that we do not yet have jailbreak, sideloading or itunes working on iOS 10+ yet. We do, however, have working app store! You can download all your favourite apps on your downgraded iOS version without any issue.

Tldr; 1.0 beta 2 changelog

  • python is no longer required
  • apfs support is now added
  • ios 10.3.3-11.1 downgrades are now supported
  • apfs dualboot support when downgrading to ios 10.3.3-11.1
  • a8/a8x/a9 downgrade support for ios 10.3.3-11.1 only
  • jailbreak is not present on ios 10/11 at the time of release
  • ios 8.0 beta 4 downgrades have been fixed on a7 devices
  • you can now launch wtfis app on ipads by typing wtfis:// into safari

Downgrade, jailbreak& tweaks working on iPhone 5s

To launch Cydia on iPads, open Safari and type cydia:// into address bar

When are we adding iOS 9 support? Glad you asked! Unfortunately, iOS 9.0 - 9.2.1 is not possible. We already have iOS 9.3 support done and ready for release. The issue with iOS 9.3-10.2 right now is that there are many sandbox errors when downgraded to those versions. This is a side effect of seprmvr64 and is by no fault of the script itself. If we can nuke the sandbox with y08wilm/Kernel64Patcher: jailbreak patches for ios 7.0-11.4.1& taig sandbox patch for ios 8.0-8.4 ( on iOS 9.3-10.2 without the use of sbops, it would allow us to boot those versions just fine. The sandbox patch we are using right now is the taig sandbox patch, which does not do anything on iOS 9.3-10.2 sadly. If anyone can develop a sandbox patch for these versions, it would be greatly appreciated.

That said, iOS 10.3+ downgrade support is very promising, since it is already documented to be fully working with seprmvr64. That means blobless downgrades to iOS 10.3+ is fully possible, it is just a matter of updating the script with support for those versions in mind. So do not lose hope! This is a big project that means a lot to the jailbreaking community.

Supported devices at this time

iPad Air 1 iOS 7.0.1 - 8.0b4

iPad Mini 2 iOS 7.0.1 - 8.0b4

iPhone 5s iOS 7.0.1 - 8.0b4

iPad Air 2 iOS 10.3.3 - 11.1

iPad Mini 3 iOS 10.3.3 - 11.1

iPad Mini 4 iOS 10.3.3 - 11.1

iPhone 6/6+ iOS 10.3.3 - 11.1

iPhone 6s/6s+ iOS 10.3.3 - 11.1

iPhone SE 1 iOS 10.3.3 - 11.1

More devices are supported on the terminal version, but not with the gui at this time

The script is designed for mac os high sierra, mojave, and catalina. It may support newer versions but those versions are untested.

You can download the gui version of our app at Release 1.0 beta 2 · y08wilm/Semaphorin (

Or if you insist on using the command line version

Connect your iPhone or iPad in dfu mode and then type these commands in terminal

git clone --recursive && cd Semaphorin sudo ./ --restore 

Thank you for your interest in the project! This project means a lot to us, and I hope it works well for you and we see big updates in the near future.