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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/danielrosehill on 2024-04-03 12:24:55.

I’m what you might (charitably) call “chronically disorganised” - so I’m leaning into using Home Assistant to try help get myself in order!

I’ve built a little “leaving the house” (and “coming back home”) type dashboard that I get to by tapping an NFC tag I leave by the front door.

Current version is below, with the following entities:

  • A checklist (with basic things like: do you have your wallet?)
  • The weather (so that I can see if I need an umbrella / am dressed appropriately)
  • A button card that triggers a “leaving home” scene (it turns everything off)
  • Finally, a widget that controls Alarmo

Like this (sidebar theme is because I’m accessing it on mobile):

Would love to hear if anyone else is using such a setup and if so what you have on your dashboards!