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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Icy_Occasion_3105 on 2024-04-06 21:10:29.

Recently I have been digitizing my old home movies and in the process I grabbed a bunch of mid-80s to mid-90s VHS tapes my parents used to record TV shows on. With streaming and digital files now, you can pretty much find any old TV shows you can think of so the shows are not necessarily the reason to save. But it is kind of cool to see the old commercials and even TV news broadcasts. We also have tons of complete NBA games (mostly the Chicago Bulls from their playoff runs.)

Is there really any need to save this stuff? Does anyone care? Is YouTube the best place to dump it or maybe the Internet Archive? The hoarder in me hates to just throw it out without at least saving it but is it really useful to anyone but me? Data and physical storage is not an issue.