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A Spanish YouTube channel was able to speak with a developer who was working on the Tom Clancy’s The Division 3 project, which was fired a few months ago by Ubisoft like the large number of layoffs that many developers are suffering these months. The developer provided many details to Manco Army, since this YouTube only talks about The Division saga on its channel, and these details say that they are exclusive, and that no one else knows this for now about The Division 3 - Chicago, here I leave you the details.

The third installment of our

game will take us to the iconic City of

Chicago this new Adventure will be

completely independent of the

previous deliveries although it will have

some spinoffs that will introduce

emblematic characters of those deliveries

The city will be divided into zones such as

It is common in the series and each area

will initially be controlled by a

of the six existing factions along

throughout the game the players

They will face main missions and

secondary unlocking different

New and unique bespoke game modes

that your character increases reputation and

win with decorations the most exciting

and for the first time in the franchise it is

that you will have the freedom to choose which one

of the factions unite what

will trigger a unique story for

each one in previous deliveries is

You may have felt an affinity for

some of the enemy factions and

has left Margo with a taste of having to

delete it without any other option but that’s it

It won’t be a six o’clock problem.

existing factions you can select

three to join the faction of The

split the Forsaken faction of the

Abyss and the Warriors faction

rebirth now you will have the

opportunity to fully immerse yourself

in the world of The Faction You Choose

experiencing its history and missions

unique not only that but also

you will be able to explore the motivations and

background of each faction what will add

an additional layer of depth to the

game narrative Get ready for a

exciting and full of experiences

significant decisions while

you join one of the three factions and

you shape your own path in the fight for

control of Chicago you will join the

division to the Renegades of the Abyss or to

the warriors of

Renaissance the choice is yours and the

city’s destiny is in your hands

The division faction is a

highly specialized organization

trained that operates in times of crisis

and catastrophe composed of agents

brave and committed, their mission is

protect and preserve what remains of the

society in situations of

emergency agents of The division

They are recruited from various disciplines and

background selected by your

resilience ability and

dedication are equipped with

advanced technology and have access to

specialized resources to make

against the most dangerous threats

these agents recognizable by their

iconic clocks and emblems operate in

highly coordinated tactical cells

They are experts in combat, stealth and

teamwork applying tactics

sophisticated to neutralize threats and

maintain order in situations

Chaotic The Division faction is

guided by a solid chain of command and

a good organizational structure

defined his leadership is based on the

experience strategic knowledge

and the ability to make decisions

fast and effective at critical moments

In addition to its focus on safety and

protection of civilians officers

of The division are also dedicated to

investigate and discover the roots of

crisis they face work

tirelessly to identify the

Sources of The Threat Collect

information and develop solutions to

long term to avoid future

disasters morality and ethical values

They are fundamental pillars of The

division agents are committed

with justice, service and

protection of the innocent their loyalty

is with society and its objective is

restore order and stability in

times of Chaos confront the agents

of The division is to face a

formidable and highly enemy

trained his dedication and training

make them a force to be reckoned with

account However, unlike others

factions their objective is not to impose their

will or Seek power but protect

and safeguard those who cannot

do it for themselves the faction of The

division is a symbol of hope in

dark times are a force

protective and a reminder of the

importance of solidarity and

teamwork to overcome

adversities his presence inspires

confidence and shows that even in the

most difficult times there are those who are

willing to risk their lives for

well-being of others The Renegades of

Abyss are an underground faction and

Mysterious that has emerged in the shadows

of the devastated city composed of

dissatisfied and disillusioned individuals

with existing factions have

found refuge and a sense of

belonging in your Union under the flag

of the Forsaken of Abyss these

Rebels are obsessed with revealing

the hidden truth behind the disaster that

devastated the city and they distrust so much

the authorities as well as the groups

established are dedicated to

investigation and espionage

infiltrating the structures of

power to discover the most secrets

dark and plans without estrus behind

of the crisis.