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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/Swiftierest on 2024-04-03 22:07:42.

I’ve been scrolling Reddit on my phone as I normally do and I saw a JP Writer app promoted to me several times over the past few days. It has sections for basic kana as well as JLPT 1 to 5 and it gamifies the learning/study activity. Since gamified learning is popular and gets results, I thought I’d try it.

I’m just hopping in to tell anyone else here that may have been interested, to not bother with it. It seems to be fairly new, and as with most new language learning apps, it has issues. The one I noticed immediately was that the main method of learning, a draw the kana as it falls on your screen style game (makes me think of Kana Invaders). It doesn’t always display the correct character. I thought this might be a challenge thing at first, but after playing more I came to realize that it’s simply a bug. I have notified the email left in the “contact us” section and we’ll see if they fix it.

I took some screenshots and uploaded them as proof.

That is all. よいいちにちをすごしください