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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/urgod42069 on 2024-04-03 22:08:50.

For context, I’ve been learning for 2 years and am currently at an intermediate level. So I feel like this really shouldn’t happen, but it does… I feel like my brain is going to explode every time I see a number with 万 attached to the end of it. I know it means [insert number] x 10,000. But I’m not used to every number I see everywhere (hyperbole for dramatic effect) divided by 10,000, and having to multiply it to get it back to something I can recognize. I switched the language of my YouTube app to Japanese and now it takes me like 10+ seconds to figure out how many views a video has / how many subscribers a channel has.

Is this just another thing I’ll absolutely get used to the more I see / read / learn that just feels impossible at the start, or do I seriously have to consider doing mental math drills because I’m 23 years old and can’t do basic multiplication (because it won’t become automatically easier just by improving my knowledge of this language)?

I’d feel validated by seeing that other people have this issue or have had this issue in the past. For me it’s legitimately one of the biggest deterrents for me to switch language settings to 日本語 on a bunch more websites.