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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/HartIslandResident on 2024-04-07 03:11:01.

For the last couple of months, every week or so I have dreams of seeing my ex-friend. We were childhood friends.

We left on heartbroken terms as teens… We tried to reunite but they used me as inspiration to make fun of me for no reason via very public social media comic while pretending to be nice to me irl and I didn’t find out until later… I cannot even look them up online without going into existential crisis. So I literally cannot look them up to confirm this until I go to therapy or something

In these dreams I am very lucid. In first one they told me they wish we reconciled our friendship-- I ‘knew’ that they couldn’t be there… it was weird. It didn’t seem like a dream but a visitation? Unlike previous dreams I’ve had of them these dreams are very calm/just talking rather than dramatic retelling of how we broke up.

These dreams just keep continuing and we’re talking through our problems, and I’m telling them things I wish I told them. They apologized for being mean to me. They keep saying ‘in life’ it would have been better. And they cry to me a lot.

They had cancer but I was told it was cured-- so it’s not impossible for them to die relativity young.

It’s just strange. I haven’t seen or thought of them in YEARS-- yet they popped into my brain. I really did my best to block them out and now it feels like their spirit found me.

Am I paranoid for thinking this might be supernatural?


EDIT: had partner check on their social media-- they haven’t posted in more than a month and were a frequent poster. No posts about recent sickness but no posts indicating that they were taking a break either

🫠 don’t even know how to take that. I am not in any of the same social circles. I don’t remember their parents names… I guess I’m in purgatory until I have my partner check in another month? I feel sort of disturbed and sick