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The original was posted on /r/aboringdystopia by /u/Beelzebubs-Barrister on 2024-04-06 22:43:50.

Select paragraphs:

When I was twenty years old, as a commander, I would check the way the soldiers handcuffed prisoners. I would tell them ‘if you press the cuff hard in retaliation for what you think they did, then you are not operational’. I didn’t mind standing in the way, receiving criticism. I was a good and beloved commander. In this war I discovered that I do not have these powers. I saw Palestinians being taken into the trunk of a Hummer and soldiers beating them to death. I saw soldiers venting their anger on Palestinian property without any need. And I look from the side and I say to myself ‘Fuck, what am I doing here? Why don’t I hug my children? And why am I not revolted by what I see?’

This thing, it’s blatant violence and so visible and you have no ability to withstand the burst. It shook me and I agonize over it, that I didn’t rebel. I gave up. That I felt it was lost. It finishes me. That I see this thing in front of my eyes and cannot find the strength to say anything about it. And in this unrestrained violence, all of which is motivated by revenge, the brigade commander was in first place. He is known as “the Tiktok General”. He endangered us at every moment in this war, without any operational need. And his lieutenant, his hobby inside Gaza was to enter houses and burn them. Just for fun. And on the way he burned a lot of intelligence material. And he had no way of knowing Whether or not there are hostages in some shaft below, or in the attic. He entered a house and set it on fire. He didn’t know if there were forces in the area that could be harmed, if there were explosives that could explode. Just a daily risk of human life at the most childish level possible.