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Case Complaint Summary This complaint is a personal injury case filed by Jeffrey Wittek against defendants David Dobrik, David Dobrik LLC, and Dirt Gear Co. LLC. The complaint alleges negligence, intentional tort, and property damage. The jurisdiction of the case is not specified.

In the first cause of action for general negligence, the complaint alleges that David Dobrik, individually and on behalf of David Dobrik LLC, leased an excavator from Dirt Gear Co. LLC without receiving proper training or instruction on its use. David Dobrik then used the excavator in an unsafe manner, swinging people around on a rope attached to the excavator. Despite warnings from others, David Dobrik continued this unsafe activity and instructed the plaintiff, Jeffrey Wittek, to get on the rope. When David Dobrik slowed down the excavator too quickly, Wittek’s momentum slowed down and he struck the excavator, resulting in injuries.

The complaint also includes a request for exemplary damages against David Dobrik and David Dobrik LLC. Exemplary damages are not specified in terms of a dollar amount.

Note: No specific dollar amounts or violation of statutes are mentioned in this document.

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