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The original was posted on /r/transmedical by /u/BookieBonanza on 2024-04-06 23:59:20.

I am FTM. Without disclosing many personal details, I just started work at a women’s clothing store. The training has all been female-centric, from the color scheme to the wording, and implying that I am a potential customer. The staff is all women. They’re all welcoming and kind towards me, and believe I’m a biological man. But the discussion of bras/breasts (one of the common products we offer) has been a way bigger issue for me than I believed it would be. I thought I was far enough in my transition that being around these things would be no big deal, like it is for most biological men. At the most, I thought it would be weird to be so close to women’s garments the same way it would be for immature guys. But this is way worse.

I started having anxiety and felt sick during my third shift there. My pay is good, the job is easy, and the employees are all so nice. But working here makes me feel as though I’m being put into the female category, even though it’s as a man. I don’t want to be a “womanly man.” I may have effeminate mannerisms, but this is proving I am NOT comfortable being girly or feminine like a lot of gay men are. I thought I could handle it but I hate it.

What do I do?! I don’t have a second job and I’m only a week into this one. How should I talk to the management about this issue? SHOULD I talk to the management about this issue? Can I find a way to better fit the job, or should I jump ship ASAP? I’m leaning towards quitting, but I really need to have a different job lined up first. Please let me know if you have any advice for at least being okay with this job while I search for another solution.