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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Icy_Desk272 on 2024-04-07 06:58:00.

I can’t stop kicking myself over this, so tell me if it’s really that bad.

3 months ago, I started working from home for a really small, very close, all-women company. I met with a group of women for a work event on Thursday (3 days ago) and spent most of the time chatting amongst ourselves.

While I was talking (excessively) because I was so excited to see other people I work with, the topic of sports came up and I mentioned that I played soccer seriously and never got rid of the really strong thick thighs, and the other women agreed.

The (gorgeous) young woman closest to my age made a comment along the lines, “Me too - oh well!! gotta live with them.”

I was trying so hard in my head to say something nice or funny, I accidentally combined too many choices and ended up spitting out, “well your husband doesn’t seem to mind!!”


We were already packing up and fizzling out the conversation so I couldn’t really tell how bad my comment really was. She stepped out with everyone so I didn’t even get to see her reaction - I just know that was such an awful thing to say. I don’t believe in that sort of behavior - much less behave that way myself. I am mortified with myself. Disgusted!! I can’t stop thinking about it.

I’m hoping that since that is not regular for me, she can brush off a one-time occurrence bad comment and probably won’t spend that much time worrying about it or letting it effect our long term relationship, but on the other hand, I would be so sick if I knew I hurt her with my words. I don’t even know if I should reach out at this point.


Said to a coworker, “at least your husband doesn’t mind!” about her body