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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/areyouproudma on 2024-04-07 15:23:13.

I’d like to preface this by saying yes, I am a dumbass and lessons have been learnt…

Anyway, I am currently travelling in Sri Lanka and there’s a very famous train journey that goes from Nuwara Eliya to Ella. It’s about 3 hours and passes by beautiful tea plantations and stunning mountain views.

As it’s Sri Lanka, there aren’t the same safety restrictions as in the west so the doors were open the entire journey which meant that people could sit in the doorways, lean out of them, ect ect.

It’s quite a long journey so I bought 2 samosas from the guy walking up and down the train and ate them in my seat. As soon as I had finished them, we passed a particularly beautiful part of the journey so I wanted to get some pictures to remember the journey and to send to family. So, I asked the friend I had made to go to the other carriage, lean out the door, and take some pics of me leaning out the doorway of our carriage.

I got to the doorway, held onto the rails either side of the door, and leant out to get the pics. However, my hands were still greasy from the samosas as we had gotten up in a rush so we could get the beautiful background in the pictures. So instead of gracefully leaning out of the window for a photo op, my hands slipped off the rail and I fell out of the train, into the grass.

Luckily, the grass softened the fall and the train was going quite slow as it was a relatively curvy bend. This meant I had enough time to stand up and jump onto the doorway of a carriage further down, before I was abandoned in the middle of nowhere on a railway line.

All I suffered was a few cuts and a bruised ego but to make things worse, my friend was “too concerned” for my health to actually take pictures of it happening so I don’t even have them to laugh at!

TL;DR - I leant out of a train doorway with greasy hands and ended up slipping and falling out of the train.