This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/epoberezkin on 2023-07-22 22:49:46.

Hello all!

Also in v5.2:

  • filter favorite and unread chats.
  • better stability of connections and message delivery.
  • and more.

Install the apps via the links on GitHub or website.

Read more about v5.2 and how we plan to improve the groups in the post:

Join our online event on 7/27 at 17:00 UTC (6pm UK, 10am UTC).

We will:

  • demo the new desktop app,
  • show how to host relays with dual public+onion address

The link will be shared in this SimpleX Group: #SimpleX-Event-2023-07-27

Please ask any questions about SimpleX Chat in the comments! Some common questions:

Was SimpleX Chat audited?

Why user IDs are bad for privacy?

How SimpleX delivers messages without user profile IDs?

How SimpleX is different from Session, Matrix, Signal, etc.?