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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/femmevaporeon on 2024-04-07 07:00:58.

When I was young I was riding my bike along the sea front with my mum walking behind me. I’d only just learnt to ride without stabilisers. I lost control of my bike and the front wheel went over the edge. I tried to pull my wheel back up but I wasn’t strong enough and I couldn’t keep myself up any longer so I had to make the decision to let myself go over. I felt at peace with the decision strangely. I blacked out. When I woke up I was looking at the sky and I had a man’s coat over me. Apparently after I’d fallen a man had either seen it or had come afterwards and he took his coat off to lay over me and then drove to my house to get my dad while my mum stayed with me. There was an ambulance there and I went to the hospital to get checked over. I was completely fine. The only thing wrong was a fat lip from where I’d landed face first.

Now my question is do you think I was just extremely lucky or do you think there was something keeping me safe? Like the fact I felt this peace before I fell makes me wonder.