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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Dry_Possible_1792 on 2024-04-07 17:06:55.

Yesterday my fiance and I went and visited an abandoned psych ward and did a day tour. We had our 11 month old baby with us and he’s very quiet while being held.

We got in there and the first room we went into was the presence of a young girl supposedly. Well my baby wouldn’t stop laughing the whole time we were in there, he kept looking down and saying “uh oh” and I just thought it was a coincidence.

Then we were down in the basement and my hair was pulled! Yes pulled! After that, I believed in something because that was crazy.

When we went to leave, we could smell food cooking from a few rooms, the bathroom smelled like someone farted or was pooping. Mind you the place has been closed down for 14 years now…

UPDATE: I was simply just trying to share my experience and some people are more concerned that I brought my baby with when it was a day tour and babies are allowed!