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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/PheonixGalaxy on 2024-04-07 06:19:58.

So my little bro 4 years old and im 16. My brother constantly calls me even if I’m in the same room and asking him what he wants and it’s annoying but I still come. After he fought my cousin (8) because he was bored. after dealing with them fighting for several hours I am now trying to put him to sleep. I feel petty so I get close to his ear while he is watching family feud and whisper his first name several times in his ear he then says “Hey! Stop calling my name what do you want?” so naturally I start saying his middle name over and over. he then says “stop saying (middle name)!” so I start saying his last name, he then says “STOP CALLING ME (last name)” so I whisper his full name over and over in his ear. My sweet brother who is known for his short temper calmly sits up and when I say his name again the fucker throws his head into my face and busts my lip. I start screaming into my hands while my cousin asks if I’m ok.

I panicked thinking that he had broken my tooth so I ran to the mirror. I open my mouth and my top lip is busted and I start laughing HARD because I knew I deserved it. I told my cousin what happened and he’s worried because he saw me trying and failing to cover my screams.

Before I take him to the bathroom I tell him he busted my lip and I show him, his eyes open wide and he says he’s sorry and pats my chest. I called my mom who was on her way home from Vegas and she tried to scold him for hitting me and busting my lip but she heard me laughing in the background (to my credit I was holding my laugh but it slipped out when I was explaining it) and she got mad because I was making him think that was ok for hitting me. My aunt, Sister, and cousin found it funny.

Was I being a dick? yes. Do I deserve it? also yes. Did I apologize and did he forgive me? Yes. I am now trying to put him to bed The correct way

TLDR: I teased my little brother by whispering his first/middle/last and full name until he hit me, busting my lip in the calmest way possible. I laughed because I deserved it. Mom got mad thinking I was okay with being hit and not helping. I apologized to them and now trying to put him to bed properly.