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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/throw_spidey_away on 2024-04-07 19:08:34.

Four years ago my boyfriend, now husband(33m), and I(31f) were going to a costume party. He tried on his costume a week before, I zipped up the back and went out without realising there was no way he could reach to undo himself so he was stuck for over an hour until I got back 🙊

Post from way back then

Today… Our 6yo nephew is spiderman-obsessed and we remembered we still had that costume so my husband put it on to surprise him. Once again I zipped him, and he even reminded me I’d need to let him out after.

My sister came to our house with her kids and the plan was that I was going out with them today, leaving husband at home. You can see where this is going…

Nephew loved the surprise of meeting spiderman. I went outside to put some stuff in the car and husband sat down to await unzip after the kids were gone. Of course I forgot to go back in and we all left!

Two hours later I came home to find a very angry Spiderman sitting on the couch watching football. I made him promise to forgive me before I unzipped it 🤣

My nephew is very excited to see Spiderman again some time so I hope my husband trusts me to ever go in it again too 🤭

Tl;Dr I zipped up the back of a costume for my husband, then went out and left him trappedin it. I did the exact same thing 4 years ago.