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The original was posted on /r/therian by /u/AtticChildren on 2024-04-07 23:12:03.

I keep seeing people going “THERIANS ON (insert random date/time, or simply “the eclipse“) GO TO (insert urban air/sky zone) WITH YOUR GEAR AND DO QUADS TO FIND OTHER THERIANS” AND IM SO SICK OF IT. These are awful ideas- if there’s any place your going to get harassed by people who don’t have impulse control preventing them from physically assaulting you it’s going to be a sky zone or urban air. Not to mention the holidays we already have (including the 4th of every month) and the fact that these new holidays center around gear and quads which arnt important to the therian identity like I get that that’s how you show in public your a therian but cmon dont make an entire holiday centered around them that just hurts people like me who dont like/do quads/gear activities. And I’m not gonna lie the whole “go in public with the goal of finding therian friends” disturbs me deeply like therianthropy is an involuntary identity creepy/super conservative/homophobic/racist and generally awful people can still be therians because it’s involuntary and while we as a community don’t accept them they still are therians so any therian you meet and decide to befriend you have no idea if they are a bad person or if they are even a good friend. You know nothing about them but still you go “yep we friends now” and this becomes more problematic as you realize this community is almost entirely minors. Going out in public and friending someone just because they are a therian (involuntary identity) is like a cis afab seeing another cis afab in public and going “we are both cis women (involuntary identities) therefore we should be friends!” Please don’t make these holidays they are just toxic and unsafe. Not all therians are good people, and not all public spaces are safe just because they are made with kids in mind. If you go and try and make one of these holidays you are BAITING MINORS INTO EXPOSING THEMSELVES IN PUBLIC AS A GROUP COMMONLY TARGETED AND HARASSED. I KNOW YOU HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS AND YOUR PROBABLY A MINOR YOURSELF, I KNOW YOU THINK YOU ARE BEING SAFE AND MAKING RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS BUT YOU CANT ACTUALLY TRUST MINORS TO DO THE SAME. MINORS CANT ALWAYS KNOW WHAT THE SAFE DECISIONS ARE OR MAKE THEM.