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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Willowed_Ghost on 2024-04-08 02:44:16.

Its really stupid title. I think its just a funny story, and I hate seeing my account so empty, so I’m writing something minor today.

Today I fucked up by eating a mango. Me (18F) and my boyfriend (18M) don’t have a lot of time to spend together. We often have most of our sweet moments by a creek in between our school and my house. He preforms jazz, and before a concert or rehearsal, we have a small little “Good luck” snack with each other. My boyfriend brought mangos and a candy he enjoys called “mazapan de la rosa”. I forgot to bring napkins, and I’m very picky about sticky hands, and while he’s eating the food I brought for him, I’m struggling like a damn feral animal eating an elk’s heart trying to skin this damn thing. He laughed, and he gave a gentile idea to eat the skin, and how the fiber is good for me, and growing up that’s how he always ate it. It was about my 3rd time ever having a mango, and I knew mango skin had the same oil as poison ivy. A plant I’m severely allergic too. so I believed his word, and ate it with the skin. I mainly did it because I didn’t want to look stupid. Or to not get my hands sticky and dirty when we had to pack up soon. I thought I’d just get a sore throat or something along the lines of that.

2 hours pass, I’ve walked him to the concert hall where he’s preforming. I sit down in the seats, waiting for it to begin, when I feel my mouth go numb. I panic a little, but still ignored it cause I didn’t want him to see me run out of the room as soon as he started playing. My head starts throbbing, time feels slow and every sharp noise becomes agonizing as I get more nauseous. I still don’t want him to see me leave, so I don’t, and I keep my nausea as minimal as possible, until the show is over, and his parents drive me home because of the night.

When I went upstairs and heave to the toilet, mouth numb and foaming, I try to sleep for the night after throwing up, and sleep easily, until the semi-middle of the night. 4 AM, I feel a burning pain in my mouth, lips, gums, nose, and inside my tonsils and soft palette. I go to the bathroom, look in the mirror, poison ivy.

inside my nose was a nightmare, and as I’m writing this its starting to heal up. But it was so painful not being able to open my mouth cause the blisters. I’m unsure if it got any deeper, but my chest is still in pain at the moment (1 week after incident) and I’ll go to a clinic if it shows anything more than allergies. I am aware I’m not having a true or severe allergic reaction, I’ve been told by doctors that I’m more sensitive to poison ivy than most people, because of how often I’ve been infected as a kid. That may just be BS simplification though.

TL:DR: I ate a mango, mango has the same oil as poison ivy, blisters all over mouth.