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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/ReflectionOwn6497 on 2024-04-07 18:05:34.

So I’m 45 now. I was thinking about this randomly and was bored and decided to ask if anyone had an experience with the board. Real experience. I’m actually afraid to talk about it. I was 12 when I first started using one by myself. It started moving just fine. I became obsessed with it and used it regularly for about a year and a half. There was a name. When I asked to I was talking to. Bobby Maholovich. I’m not sure of the spelling of his last name so I don’t know. All I know is I’m afraid to talk about it because I did it by myself for a few years and I can still remember that it was moving on its own. I would even try and trick it sometimes and and left my fingers off the planchette and it would continue to move for about an inch before stopping. One time it even levitated while I was using it with my brother and friend. You could feel the pressure of the plastic pushing on our fingers upward and we pulled away when it got to be a few inches in the air. But I’m mostly concerned with my own experiences and using it by myself. I mean, I used to come home from school and just hop on the board like no big deal. No one told me it was fake or demonic. I just thought it worked. It felt creepy but natural at the same time. What I’m telling you is the truth. I saw, felt, it move. I talked to this thing for hours. I was old enough to know if it was fake or bogus. I see a lot of ppl telling stories about the board but I don’t believe them because if you really had used one the way I did you wouldn’t want to talk about it. Until now anyway. Anything else out there do this? Bobby Moholivich ?