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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Alc2005 on 2024-04-07 20:28:06.

So I had to leave town for a work trip, and opted for an AirBNB because it was cheaper and closer to the job site than any hotel. It was a very cute room in a large apartment I shared with the host, and I mostly kept to my room while I wasn’t working.

Here’s the FU. I brought my PS5 with me and I’ve recently gotten into Death Stranding. Now, not wanting to make any noise with the paper thin walls, I played with the headphones on. Now… for most of this game you travel with an infant who is carried on your suit in an incubation chamber. This infant cries constantly, whenever you fall or get hit. BUT how I had it set up on the PS5 the sound of the crying comes through the speakers on the controller, not the headphones. So for the ENTIRE stay my host heard super fucking creepy cries from my room for hours at a time.

TLDR: played Death Stranding at an AirBNB and the only sounds the Host heard were the crying noises coming from my controller.