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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/ahsatan1023 on 2024-04-07 13:37:54.

I want to start this off by saying that I was born and raised in Appalachia and I am very open to the paranormal. I have had several experiences in my life but this one has kept me wondering what it could have been for almost the past 24 hours.

Yesterday around noon I was with my husband in the woods of Appalachia. He was fishing at the lake and I sat about 10 ft back in the tree line to have a little more protection from the wind so I could read a book. Occasionally I would stop reading whenever I heard rustling or birds because I also like to birdwatch. I looked around with my binoculars only to never really see anything.

Then I started hearing sounds of a woman humming a song. It sounded like she was very close to me but there were no sounds of the leaves rustling on the ground from someone walking by us on the path. At first I looked around just to make sure I wasn’t in someone’s way but that’s when I realized I wasn’t hearing footsteps. I started to look in my binoculars but I got too scared. Luckily at that point my husband decided to pack it in because the lake seemed to be fished out. As I was gathering my stuff the humming sounded like it was getting closer and I could feel eyes on me. I’ve never walked so fast out of the woods in my life.

When we got back to the car I told my husband about it but he didn’t hear the humming. He’s also very skeptical of the paranormal and tries to explain it away. All of this to say, does anyone have an idea of what this could have been?