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The original was posted on /r/machinelearning by /u/howtorewriteaname on 2024-04-07 23:32:36.

NeurIPS24 is nearby and I’ve got a paper that got rejected last year at ICLR (5/5/6/3). While I’m addressing the feedback from last conference (method was received positively, but they asked for more experimentation), I’m still unsure whether the paper is strong enough to make it to an A* conference such as NeurIPS. Also, to be honest, I’ve been working on it for almost a year and I feel I want to wrap this up already and look at other ideas.

I was wondering which is better from these two:

  • Submitting to a workshop at NeurIPS or similar (ICLR, ICML…). I assume this should be doable with my paper given the feedback at ICLR but I don’t know if that’s correct?
  • Aiming for a conference paper in a “lower-tier” venue such as AISTATS, IJCAI or similar. I assume this is more difficult to pull off than the workshop paper at NeurIPS but again I’m just guessing?

I am still not a PhD student, but I’m applying for PhDs regularly. Therefore I am kinda looking for the option that (in case my paper goes through) would give me more leverage as a PhD candidate in my future applications.