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The original was posted on /r/factorio by /u/Playjasb2 on 2024-04-08 04:11:13.

Based on what I think, as soon as the DLC is released, a lot of the overhaul mods will require some time to be updated to make use of what Space Age has to offer. Whether or not each of the mods will depend on the DLC, which will be treated as a mod, would depend on the premise of the mod.

Space Exploration:

Earendal has noted in his Discord that Space Exploration will make use of what Space Age has to offer. How much of the DLC it would use? Well, we’re not sure. Based on what the developer has said, it seems that they will use almost all of the Space Age content, and they will only resort to the SE way in some scenarios where it already works “the SE way.”

The dev did answer the question on whether or not it would require the Space Age DLC in the future. They said that supporting one highly conditional codebase, where one part of it requires Space Age and the other not requiring it, can slow down future development. They suspect that most SE players would get SA, so they could have move onto making SA a strict requirement to streamline development. But they did make it clear that there will always be a playable non-SA version of SE, but it won’t keep getting any new features.


We are unaware of any updates from the developers for this mod, but the content already contains elements that are space related. The update to the mod would just mean requiring you to go to space, and requiring resources that can only be found in other planets. So it would use what Space Age has to offer. It can also allow conversion of matter to any of the new resources being introduced by the mod. They may raise of the endgame requirements to include any new resources.


Pyanodon is a series of mods, where each mod would overly complicate a certain aspect of technology in the game. For example, Pyanodon Coal Processing overly complicates coal processing, and Pyanodon High Tech completely rebuilds circuits and high tech production chain. I can assume that the dev could bring their own Space mod for Pyanodon that could require Space Age, and add its own set of complexity to the game, and rework their existing space science that they have going.

Ultra Cube:

Again unaware if the dev provided any updates on this. I wonder how, if anything would they properly scale up the mod to take into account space, since the whole premise of this mod is that everything you make requires the one cube that you have, and you can only have one cube. So getting the cube out to space, and getting it onto other planet, would be quite a pain if you require resources across different surfaces.

Not sure how the devs can handle this. They could introduce a different cube for each surface, or make multiple cubes, or have a fast way of transmitting the cube across surfaces. Again not sure.


The entire premise of this mod is that you are stuck on a tiny piece of land, and you make everything from the sea you are surrounded by. It’s a massive time sink as you’d be constantly rebuilding things, and optimizing the space that you have as you attempt to expand outwards. I’m not sure how it could depend on Space Age, as it would feel too “tacked on.” Like Space Age would take you outside of the whole premise itself.

So again, I have no idea how they could expand it if anything. Maybe you have to redo seablock again on other planets? Well, if you have the resources to leave the planet, then you’d have solved the problem of getting all this landfill. Hmm…


They can expand this by having you warp to space or other planets. Everything else could remain about the same and it can use the new Space Age content.

Industrial Revolution:

The mod is major rework of the major content in the base game, so I can imagine they could a new version that would use the Space Age content, and rework its mechanic to its own style.

Any other overhaul mods:

I believe for any other overhaul mod that they would have to scale them up proportionately with the Space Age content, meaning that its set of requirements would be scaled up to require the new resources. So it’s pretty much like Krastorio there, where if you have Space Age then everything shouldn’t be done on Nauvis and it has to require the player to leave the planet to proceed.

As for any of the overhaul mods requiring Space Age…

Earendal did explain for SE, that having a highly conditional codebase can slow down development, but it depends on how much of their mod mechanics needs to be modified to make use of Space Age.

For SE, it makes sense that at some point, they would need to make SA a strict requirement because everything is space related, and there’s going to be deep integration there.

There are mods like Krastorio and other overhaul mods that simply requires scaling up its content to Space Age. So they could make SA optional, and have a condition set in place depending on whether or not they have it to scale things up. But how the devs would approach it is up to them. Maybe for Krastorio, they could make a “Krastorio 3” they requires Space Age, and they could rework everything for it, but they can still leave Krastorio 2 playable for those that don’t have the DLC. This may be more likely the scenario for Industrial Revolution where they could introduce another sequel to the mod.

As for the case of Seablock, again not sure if it could require the DLC. They could disallow it to run with Space Age, which would force you to disable the DLC, or they could somehow scale it or make a sequel that different set of premise.

What do you think?