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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/throwawayh863 on 2024-04-08 04:13:08.

Yikyak, at least where I am, is an app that allows people in my college to post anonymously. I would literally tell this to anyone so it’s not the anonymity of the app but the fact that I’m in a group for my college is the reason I posted it there. Yesterday I was scrolling through my dating apps and I matched with a couple of guys that I could actually see myself talking to. However, I am vehemently childfree and all the guys liked me or that matched with me wanted children. Nothing is wrong with that, but every time I meet someone that wants kids I don’t continue with that person because I don’t think it’s fair to neither me or the person I’m seeing to go out any further if we want different things. This has happened to me a lot where I’m at and it annoying. I’ve literally had people tell me that they can change my mind, that they wouldn’t leave (one of my fears but I don’t bring that up), and that I am not a woman for not wanting kids. So, I ranted thinking people would understand or at least could relate to the struggle of trying to date while being child free. Boy was I wrong. First, I was told that I was just confused and they got that people don’t want kids now but in the future they would. I understood that, but that’s not the case for me and I explained that. Then she proceeded to call me a lesbian, because in her experience women that don’t want kids turn out to be a lesbian. I am not a lesbian, but this shocked me. The decision to be childfree is one from person to person and has nothing to do with your sexuality. The more I think about it the more it makes me wonder if this is what people actually think of lesbians. Because if that’s the case boy do I have news for you; there are lesbians that do want kids.

(PS I am not offended that I was called a lesbian I was more so shocked that this was even a consideration in the topic I was talking about)

TL;DR: I ranted on an app about being childfree in the dating scene, and got told I would turn out to be a lesbian.