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The original was posted on /r/piracy by /u/Mastergameisnowhere on 2024-04-08 06:43:12.

(Non-computer person friendly)

Tried to open a picture I took off my iPhone (obviously I have it set to .heic for higher quality recording), and wouldn’t you know, Windows wants me to install a plugin for $0.99. Wtf?

So, here’s how I got past Microsoft’s debauchery:

  • First, I went to
  • Second, I found the ProductID online to input into the link template (the link you would need to copy into the search bar on the aforementioned website is ) (with 9n4wgh0z6vhq being the ProductID)
  • I’m just a normal person, so I have no idea what the first listed file is (the 10KB " Microsoft.HEVCVideoExtension_2.1.861.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.BlockMap" file)
  • So, I downloaded the “.appxbundle” file as I’ve done before with this website
  • And, after opening my .heic file again, voila! it worked perfectly fine, opens as any other image would

This is a one-time process.

If you for some reason hate convenience, there are plenty of free online converters, or you can just rename the .heic to .jpg (though I’m not sure if this is has any negative side effects for the picture).

Hope this helps anyone trying to solve (what should, in a perfect world) be a non-issue. :)