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The original was posted on /r/cryptocurrency by /u/filthydestinymain on 2024-04-08 15:54:02.

So currently 99% of MATIC’s supply is circulating and as I understand the new POL token is going to have 1:1 migration of the current max supply and an additional 20% supply over 10 years, 10% will go to incentivize node operators and 10% for the development of Polygon (which basically means for the Polygon team).

So basically when Polygon created MATIC everyone agreed to a certain set of tokenomics and now the supply is going to be increased by 20%, half of which will go to the pockets of the Polygon team. What even is the point of having a max supply if you can just pretty much force everyone to migrate and make a fresh new supply?

I don’t understand how this is acceptable, as I see it, it’s a complete breach of trust. What if in 3 years they decide to migrate again to “rebrand” and create an additional 20% supply? What stops them from doing so?

Crypto is decentralized? yeah right.