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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/EvilChoppedWalnuts on 2024-04-08 15:39:18.

North America will see a solar eclipse today, April 8, 2024. I found some Eclipse Day vocab and wanted to share it for anyone else interested.

太陽 (たいよう、taiyou) - sun

月 (つき、tsuki) - moon

地球 (ちきゅう、chikyuu) - earth

光球 (こうきゅう、koukyuu) - photosphere (bright, visible surface of the sun)

食年 (しょくねん、shokunen) - eclipse year

金環食 (きんかんしょく、kinkanshoku) - annular (solar) eclipse

食の季節 (しょくのきせつ、shoku no kisetsu) - eclipse season

食 (しょく、shoku) - eclipse

日食 (にっしょく、nisshoku) - solar eclipse

月食 (げっしょく、gesshoku) - lunar eclipse

皆既 (かいき、kaiki) - totality, where the sun is covered by the moon (solar eclipse) or the moon is in the earth’s shadow (lunar eclipse)

皆既食 (かいきしょく、kaikishoku) - total eclipse

部分食 (ぶぶんしょく、bubunshoku) - partial eclipse

To be more specific, the previous two can also become 皆既日食 (total solar eclipse), 皆既月食 (total lunar eclipse), 部分日食 (partial solar eclipse), 部分月食 (partial lunar eclipse).

隠す (かくす、kakusu) - to hide

皆既帯 (かいきおび、kaikiobi) - path of totality (the path the moon’s shadow travels the earth during an eclipse).

光環 (こうかん、koukan) - corona

軌道 (きどう、kidou) - orbit

本影 (ほんえい、hon’ei) - umbra (a complete shadow)

半影 (はんえい、han’ei) - penumbra (part of a shadow)

疑本影 (ぎほんえい、gihon’ei) - antumbra (part of the moon’s shadow that extends beyond umbra)