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The original was posted on /r/rust by /u/ivanceras on 2024-04-08 10:47:33.

Lately an update in ubuntu 23.10 for some reason makes my gnome-terminal becomes sluggish and visibly slow to respond to keystrokes, compared to before the updates. I liked gnome-terminal because I open a lot of nvim instances for each rust project and I could just easily Alt+1…9 on my tabs. I have tried alacritty before but I ended up opening too many windows, since it has no tab supports yet. It becomes harder to keep track which window is which project. I then tried tmux, but it seems I have too much keys to pressed and it’s hard to memorize and keep track of new key combinations. Then comes zellij, With zellij, I don’t need to memorize because the keys to pressed is always visible and intuitive. I then configured my ~/.config/alacritty.toml to use fish shell and open zellij everytime I open a new instance. Here is my only configuration to alacritty.toml

program = "/bin/fish"
args = ["-l", "-c", "zellij"]

size = 10

So, now I don’t need to open multiple alacritty instance since panes and tabs will do just fine.

Maybe next step is to use helix for nvim. A big thank you to the developers of Alacritty, Zellij, fish for making performant tools.