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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/zuzuofthewolves on 2024-04-08 08:15:07.

My sister was born at a small hospital in a small town in Ontario, Canada. We are 5 years apart so I was a kindergartener at the time. My grandma and I drove to the hospital to meet my sister and see my parents when they were ready, and I have a clear memory of looking out the hospital window (second story) in broad daylight and seeing a monkey casually walking down the street. It seemed like a really big chimp.

I still remembered it some years later and asked my parents about it and they said I kept repeating that I saw a monkey, but they thought I was just goofing around/ trying to get attention because I was maybe a little jealous of my newborn sister.

I can still remember it pretty clearly (now in my 30’s) and I have no idea what the logical explanation for a really big chimp walking down the street all alone in a little town in Ontario in the 90’s would be, but I saw what I saw. I would love to hear any theories of what this might have been.