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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/MajesticActivity6 on 2024-04-07 20:22:30.

I have always been passionate about exploring caves and tombs, particularly those that are uncharted and mysterious.

The thrill of venturing into these deep, dark spaces where few dare to tread is something that never fails to excite me. Even when faced with the most perilous and deadly caves, I remain undeterred by the dangers, embracing the adrenaline rush to the fullest.

Despite being well-equipped and prepared for my expeditions, there were moments where I feared for my life and believed that my time was up.

I even left farewell messages on my phone for my family, knowing that I had no children to worry about leaving behind as a father, and no teammates to slow me down in my solo cave explorations.

Today, I stumbled upon the most thrilling tomb I have ever encountered. It remains unexplored by anyone else, so I am eager to be the first to explore and document the incredible findings awaiting within.

I spent three months getting ready for my next dive, feeling both excited and nervous about what I might find.

In a remote area of the Earth, I stumbled upon something hidden deep underground within a cave system far away from civilization.

This cave was unique, with a vertical and damp structure that required the use of my rope for navigating. As I descended down the shaft, I came across the entrance to the tomb adorned with what looked like a image of a mysterious religious figure, covered in robes and being carried to an unknown destination.

The rest of the decorations were obscured by dust, and it was only during my second dive that I noticed them. Lucky for me, I had my phone to capture photos of the decorations for mapping purposes before proceeding further, additionally, I had a torch and spare flashlight with various gear to illuminate my path as I ventured deeper into the darkness.

As I descended the stairs, I observed the walls and brick structure, unsure which historical era the bricks reminded me of. Upon entering the initial room, I noticed dusty murals adorned the walls alongside empty torches, with the murals written in ancient Latin, a language I had studied during my adventures in exploring.

The initial mural displayed the following message:

“This is not a place where riches or devotion can be found, but a prison filled with the specter of death. Retreat now or face an endless torment.”

The text sent chills running down my back, it was unlike any tombs I had seen before, but my curiosity pushed me to delve deeper. I snapped a few pictures and studied the second mural.

The message on the second mural was written like this:

“This prison that we have built is meant to be untouched and undisturbed, it should be left behind and forgotten forever, may god protect us from him.”

I found myself pondering, “May god protect us from him?” It was evident that this location did not appreciate intrusion. Despite contemplating a retreat, the rush of adrenaline I experienced was unlike anything I had felt before, against my better instincts, I decided to press on.

The mural room opened up to a staircase that descended even further, prompting me to ponder just how far down it went. The sound of my footsteps reverberated through the empty staircase, indicating that the descent went on for quite a distance, eventually, the stairs came to an end, revealing a massive room adorned with various artworks.

“This find is the most incredible find of the era!” i spouted out loud.

The walls of the room were adorned with artwork, expanding upwards and outwards for a minimum of 30 meters. One particular detail caught my eye: could these artistic walls be serving as guidance or direction, possibly for individuals like me who overlooked the murals and continued exploring?

The main focus of the artwork was on a gathering of individuals dressed in unfamiliar attire, worshipping an altar emanating a dark gas that contained eerie faces showing a range of emotions from delight to fear. I noticed and observed the man laying on the altar, with black gas escaping from his chest. Despite his efforts to contain the gas with his hands, it was unsuccessful.

As I was busy capturing multiple photos of the artwork from different perspectives, I suddenly heard a low growl emanating from various directions, i heard the sound of large stones rumbling, which indicated to me that it was time to quickly leave.

Having captured sufficient photographs and explored to a satisfactory extent, I planned on returning at a later time. Unfortunately, while I was rushing up the stairs, I narrowly escaped death when a massive rock almost hit me on the head. I quickly ran back down the stairs when the way ahead to the entrance was completely blocked by enormous boulders.

It was a dreadful situation, far worse than any cave mishap I had encountered before. There seemed to be no escape, and my mind immediately turned to thoughts of my family, friends, and past cave expeditions. Surprisingly, I found myself thinking about exploring again, despite feeling scared and vulnerable. I realized I should have been better prepared with the right gear, but by then it was already too late. It was as if the cave was beckoning me further in, enticing me to continue exploring.

I was trying to go home, but I realized I was unable to leave anymore as the Tomb had summoned me and I had no choice but to go.

As I made my way back to the art room, I wished and hoped for a different way out, when all of a sudden my torch died, enveloping me in total darkness, causing my bag to fall to the ground and scatter its contents.

As my hands groped for my spare flashlight, I was startled by the sound of singing emanating from the shadows, singing a language that seemed unearthly and ancient to me. In a state of panic, I unintentionally kicked various objects into the darkness, including my flashlight which I had inadvertently switched on. Frantically searching for the flashlight, I began to see faces emerging from the shadows.

The volume of the singing increased, the faces in the shadows began to smile at me, but as soon as I switched on the flashlight, everything came to an abrupt halt.

My heart was racing uncontrollably, i needed to pause and collect myself for a moment, and after gathering my gear, I proceeded to venture deeper into the Tomb. As I had injured my leg accidently kicking my gear, I was unable to run and had to take slow steps while passing through the next chamber.

There was a lot of artwork that caught my attention and I quickly snapped photos to study later, one piece depicted the man earlier from the altar standing among eerie black smoke and terrifying faces, and another shown the figures from earlier paintings lifeless, engulfed in the black gas seeping into their wounds.

Beside this room, there was another chamber where sculptures of deceased individuals with horrifying expressions were positioned, all of them appearing to bow down to the man wearing a crown made of human skin on the altar.

I didn’t even think about capturing this moment on my phone, I was more focused on finding an exit. Another set of stairs descended further into the darkness, my legs refused to move, and I was consumed by terror. A sensation of an otherworldly presence emanated from below, followed by the resumption of the eerie singing, which spurred me to glance backwards, only to find nothing in sight.

Out of nowhere, my legs collapsed causing me to tumble down the stairs, leaving me covered in bruises and injuries, and I had no strength to stand back up.

“What I witnessed came close to stealing everything I had.” I found myself in the grand altar room, which was adorned with towering pillars and statues of deceased individuals. The torches cast a dim light, despite the flames burning black. Sunlight was pouring through a broken gap in the wall of the room, providing me with a potential escape route.

In my frantic rush to depart, I overlooked or possibly ignored the figure laying on the altar. The individual depicted in the paintings and artwork appeared in a distorted position with dark gas enveloping his mouth and chest, giving him a zombified and paralyzed appearance that deviated from his usual depiction in the artwork.

Stupidly, I began moving on my hands towards the sunlight because my legs were frozen.

Upon awakening, the corpselike man’s lifeless fingers began to move, while dark gas slowly escaped from his mouth. I screamed and hurriedly crawled towards the opening, making sure to keep my phone in my pocket while abandoning the bag and my flashlight to lessen the burden, relying solely on the light from the torches and sunlight to guide me.

I turned around and saw the Man standing there, with frothy gas coming out of his mouth. Inside him, there were more faces that seemed to be singing a melodious tune, urging me not to leave, I made a conscious effort to ignore it.

Out of nowhere, the man began running towards me at an incomprehensible pace, with a dark fog foaming out his mouth and revealing sinister faces, embodying pure evil.

He jumped at me and seized my leg, dragging me towards the altar. I kicked with all my might with my now unparalyzed leg, but my efforts were in vain. Desperately, I clawed at the loose dirt, yearning for the sunlight.

The man exerted more force, causing several bones in my leg to break completely, I yelled until my voice was hoarse yet managed to hold firm to the ground. I was on the brink of freedom yet it was so…

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