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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/NukeEmRico2022 on 2024-04-08 23:34:04.
… about a letter that I sent them weeks ago.
The principal topic was our favorite stonk and the corruption surrounding it by the hedge funds who are allowed to short it mercilessly into oblivion.
As I was talking to one of her staffers, I could tell she wasn’t a finance oriented person so I didn’t blast her with the details. But I essentially told her to tell her boss to please, please, PLEASE do something to strengthen the SEC and regulatory efforts against the corrupt hedge funds, that are trying to destroy our beloved company.
Did it have an impact? I have no idea. I’d like to think I put as much passion into that brief plea as I could. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to actually sit down with her face-to-face but for now, I’m just satisfied that I was able to retail nothing would give me greater pleasure than to actually sit down with her face-to-face but for now, I’m just satisfied that I was able to plead retail’s case.
In the meantime, all you apes out there have a nice big bite of a tasty stonk dip sandwich