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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/markimdreaming on 2024-04-08 18:37:55.




Obviously, we didn’t sleep that night. But we didn’t fake-sleep either. We just talked. We talked all night, about our lives, our families, friends, everything. It was a very sweet moment, which almost made me forget how shitty our situation was. She explained that her parents, despite presenting as a loving and caring couple, never paid much attention to her. As far as she knew, they never wanted her. She was an accident, that they kept because they’re too conservative to have an abortion. She didn’t have much friend either, just a few classmates that didn’t mind her, but that was it. Let’s just say that I could relate to the loneliness part.

Eventually, we came to the topic of what happened that day. We both had questions to ask each other obviously, a lot of new things took place.

“So, how did you know?” I asked.

“Know what?” She said.

“I mean, you knew that this man wanted to hide what was behind the door of the closet. How?”

She took a moment to think about it.

“Well, when you guys were talking, I started to have some sort of, I don’t know, vision? It was like, I could still see everything, but I was seeing something else, on top of it. It was a door, just where the man was standing.”

“The closet?” I asked.

“No, it was like, an old and wooden door, covered in mold. It seemed fragile. So, I got up, and opened it. Inside was a dark space, just like the one I find myself in when Vesel possesses me. There were whispers all around me, I couldn’t understand what they were seeing, it sounded like an old language. I wandered around for a little bit, but didn’t find a thing, until I found him. He was there, sitting on the floor, holding his own head, eyes white, no pupil, repeating the same thing: “the door is bad, no closet, it’s bad.”. Then, I had a strong feeling of guilt, sadness, despair all around me, like it was choking me. I ran back to the door, got out of there, and I was back. That’s how I figured…”

“Do you think you entered his mind? Like Vesel does?” I asked.

“I can’t possess him, but yes, I think I did enter his mind.” She answered.

“Are we even able to do that?”

“As far as I know, no. But I may have some idea of how I was able to.”

“Tell me, what is it?”

“Well, see, for 2 years, I was alone, and Vesel had me at his disposal whenever he wanted. He was possessing me pretty frequently, to get me blood bags, but he was also possessing me at other times, and I don’t know what he was doing with me, but I think he was using me, almost like his own body, using his abilities in me to have fun in the outside world. He probably thought that, because I was young, and also emotionally vulnerable, it wouldn’t do anything, but in the end, I think I now have some leftovers from what he did while possessing me, and I can access them now that my mind is getting stronger. I mean that’s my theory…”

“It holds up. Is that how you defeated him while he was possessing this man?” I said.

“Well, the beginning was pretty much the same. The old door, dark space, all of this, but this time, I found the man conscious. He was crying, on the floor, eyes closed. I tried to reason with him, to get him back, but he kept on crying, saying that he did everything wrong. Then I saw Vesel. He was standing still, his eyes were white, and he had a big smile on his face. It looked like he couldn’t see me, so, my instinct made me touch his face. His pupils came back, he looked at me with an air of surprise that I never saw on his face, and I said: “get out.” and pushed him. He fell on the floor and disappeared. That’s when I came back.

I thought about this. If she was able to get him out, there’s a chance that he could be defeated completely.

“Do you think that means you can beat him?” I asked.

“I don’t think I’m stronger than him at all, I think he was surprised this time…”

“Well, one thing is sure: we now know that he has weaknesses, and so we could defeat him!” I said.

“You are extremely optimistic, are you sure?” She asked.

“We don’t know until we try, don’t you think?”

“And how do you think we could do that?”

“We’re going to his museum. We’re going to burn the book he said he was in. And then, chances are that he’ll disappear.” I said.

“I don’t know if you realize, but from what we know, it’s a small book in the private collection of the museum. There are like, thousands of book there, and we have no hints, nothing, plus, it’s extremely secured, so, I don’t know how you plan on doing that…”

“Well, it’s not like we made any plans so far, so I suggest we improvise. We’ll go at night!”

She took a moment.

“Fine, I’m in. Let’s do this.

We kept on talking for the rest of the night, and when the day started, we got on our way. The drive was calm, both of us were pretty anxious about a possible interference from Vesel, but nothing happened. We stopped on our way to drink some blood from the bags we got from the man.

Later, we arrived at our city. Coming back there felt weird. I was there a few days ago, but it felt like I had been gone for months. We both put on our “disguises”: I was wearing sunglasses and a cap, and Claire had glasses and her hair were tied. We weren’t exactly unrecognizable, but that could do the job. We were earlier than planned, the museum wouldn’t close until another 4 hours. I stopped the car at a parking lot and there was a silence.

“Do you want to talk to your family?” Claire asked.

“Why do you ask this?” I answered.

“I mean, whatever happens tonight, I don’t think there’s an end to this where we go back to our normal life. So, maybe you want to, I don’t know, speak to them one last time.”

I thought about it. She was entirely right. Not only was I not sure that we could get rid of our condition and beat Vesel, but even if we were, there was no way life would get back to normal. To the eyes of my family, and Claire’s parents, I kidnapped her for no reason. Deep down, I wanted to talk to them again, one last time, but I knew it was not possible.

“I can’t” I said.

“Why is that?”

“Claire, right now, our houses and family are probably under police surveillance, there’s no way we can get to them without getting us and them in trouble. I want to, but I can’t. Do you want to?”

“Not really. You’re probably right anyway.” She said.

I took a moment to think about it. Then it hit me.

“Unless… I think I have a way to give one last word to my parents.” I said, starting the car.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“We need to go see my girlfriend. I could give her a letter to give to my parents, and yours too if you change your mind.”

“Sarah? Why wouldn’t she be under surveillance too?”

“We weren’t really advertising our relationship, it wasn’t very serious yet. We were together mainly because I was good at sex, and she was my ty…” I stopped, realizing what I was saying.

She looked at me with a shocked face. A smile formed on her face and she started laughing.

“Okay, right, mock me if you want, sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, it came out like that. Wait how did you know she was named Sarah? I never mentioned that.” I said.

“I mean, I don’t know if you remember but a few days ago, Vesel took a look at your mind while possessing me so, I saw many things too.” She answered.

I paused.

“Wait, what else did you see about her?” I asked, embarrassed.

She looked at me, clearly trying to contain a laugh.

“You don’t want to know, trust me.” She said.

She burst out laughing, and so did I.

“That’s not fair, you know my deep secrets and I don’t.” I said.

“What, you want to wander around my privacy?”

“I guess not, you’re right.”

We laughed for a bit. After a few minutes, we arrived at Sarah’s student room. We got out of the car and I took the time to make sure neither me or Claire were thirsty. We got to her door, and I knocked. I could hear her steps coming. The door opened and I tried to put on my most normal and relaxed face.

“Hello Sarah, can you get us in, I need you for something?”

She looked at us in complete disbelief.

“Come on in fast.” She whispered.

We got in and she closed and locked the door.

“What the hell Mark?! What the fuck are you doing here?! What did you do?” She was freaking out, which was understandable.

“Hey, I’m sorry to bother you with all of this okay.”

“Yeah, you can be, out of all the places you could have go, why the hell did you come here?”

“Did the cops came talk to you?” I asked.

“No, no one did.”

“Well, that’s why we came here.”

“Okay, and may I ask why you kidnapped that girl and disappeared before coming back here with her? If that’s not too much to ask?!” She said.

“You can ask, but you won’t believe the answer.”

“Try me.” She answered.


The three of us sat at her table and explained everything to her. She didn’t believe us, until Claire lifted her bed and that I put a knife in my harm to show it heal in seconds. She was absolutely flabberga…

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