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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/vihar_kurama3 on 2024-04-08 16:29:08.

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Hello, self-hosters!

Vihar here, and I’m thrilled to be here with you all again. Our latest release, v0.17-dev, is packed with features you’ve been asking for, and I can’t wait to dive into them. But before we do, we want to have a candid conversation about where we stand with our community edition.

Recent events, like Planetscale’s changes, have prompted to emphasize the significance of our community. We’re fully committed to keeping our core functionalities accessible to all, without imposing user (like JIRA) or issue limits (like Linear). Since November "22, nearly 99% of our work has been open. This isn’t just about software; it’s about building a supportive community. So, while we’re exploring options for monetization, our dedication to you, our community, remains strong. 🙏

Now onto features we’ve shipped.

Archiving abilities on every hierarchy - Projects, Cycles, Modules, and Issues.

Now you have the power to archive projects, completed cycles, modules, and issues with ease. Declutter your workspace and maintain focus on what’s important by archiving items as needed. Easily view and manage archived items by applying filters in the respective tabs.

Project archiving from settings and viewing them through filters.

Issue archiving can be accessed in a separate view.

Major UX Improvements

As we approach the final stages before our 1.0 version release (just about 2-3 releases away), we’re doubling down on enhancing our user experience. In line with this commitment, we’ve recently rolled out some significant UX upgrades.

  • New Alerts: Enhanced focus and responsiveness by relocating alerts from the top right corner to the bottom right corner.

New alters on both light and dark modes.

  • Faster Search and Navigation: Enhanced listing pages with Sort and Filter dropdowns for easy searching.

New filter options for faster navigation.

  • Enhanced Emoji Picker: More customization options with categorized emojis and skin tone selection.

Emoji picker for project icons.

  • Keyboard first approach: Keyboard first actions on Spreadsheet layout, allows users to select and modify the issue title, description, or properties using tabs and arrows. ← ↑ → ↓ and ⏎.

Using spreadsheet layout with keyboard.

This is not all; these are some of the highlights. We also have new contributors helping us fix some performance and security issues, and we are grateful for them. Read the full release notes here.

Feedback or comments are welcome, we’ve also improved our self-hosted set-up, if you’re encountering any issues, let us know in the comments, or join our discord.

Self-hosting docs:

Thank you,

Team Plane