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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Socks_thePrimate on 2024-04-08 21:17:11.

Part of me thinks it’s a good idea. I embrace my autism. If I could get rid of it I would because it makes it so difficult to relate to others, but for better or worse it’s part of me and I appreciate that it makes me unique. I think it shouldn’t be something people have to hide. I want to raise awareness (since I think I don’t quite line up with the stereotype), make other autistic people feel accepted, and provide an explanation for my weird or awkward behavior lol. I also kind of want my professors to know if I’m clueless about a basic concept I’m autistic, not dumb.

Part of me thinks it’s a bad idea. The fact is people are often misinformed about autism and it may invite judgement that makes my life harder, conscious or subconscious, from people like professors whose opinion of me matters beyond the social context.

I just really like this pin that says “autistic” in a cool font.

How open are you about being autistic?