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The original was posted on /r/perth by /u/nohugspls on 2024-04-09 05:14:30.

In August last year we attended the zoo and were watching the elephant show where a Keeper does tricks, including kicking the ball.

The elephant is supposed to kick the ball back to the keeper, but this time kicked it straight to the audience on the viewing platform, and it hit a woman in the face. She was holding a very young baby at the time so it could have been a lot worse. But it was really scary and she was screaming that she was blind in the eye that was hit. We all left to give her space and they got paramedics etc.

Every time I go to the zoo I think about her and wonder if she’s okay and her eyesight recovered.

BTW this was obviously a freak accident and the Keeper was so concerned, and I’m sure the Zoo has policies and insurances in place for these sorts of things so I’m not at all concerned that this would happen again or not being safe at the Zoo. I just want to know she’s okay!

Edit to add - it was a basketball. And an elephant kicked it. So it went fast and hit hard. Would have killed the baby or permanently disabled it if the ball landed just a few inches to the left