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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Few-Pirate6046 on 2024-04-09 06:59:05.

It’s a common thing for autistic people to hate textures like cotton, fleece, and styrofoam. But what is the one texture you just loathe with every fiber of your being and will avoid at all costs? For me, and I know this might me oddly specific, it’s wooden popsicle sticks. Especially when they’re wet. If I’m eating a popsicle, I will literally have the wrapper wrapped around the stick so I don’t have to touch it. If my tongue even goes anywhere near the stick, I have a cringe attack like no other. This is also true for wooden chopsticks. I actually ended up buying a pair of bamboo chopsticks because the ones you get at restaurants just gross me out so much.