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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/RainbowsOnMyMind on 2024-04-09 10:44:40.

Hi. I just got diagnosed this January at the age of 28. The psychologist never said the term Asperger’s to me, she only ever said the term autism. And in the report it says she verified the presence of autism spectrum disorder.

But right at the bottom it states the ICD-10 classification is F 84.5 Asperger syndrome.

So I’m confused how I’m supposed to feel about that, since everywhere I read it is an outdated term. I understand that Asperger is just a part of the spectrum, but should I use it in discussion?

I plan to contact the psychologist again to ask what she thinks about the Asperger’s term (maybe this is just the classification system still used by this country even if she doesn’t like it).