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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Ok_Negative961 on 2024-04-09 12:16:34.

I’m not autistic but my partner is. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a few months and discussed my partner’s autism and my therapist made a comment that really didn’t sit well with me - “there’s a saying: if you’ve met one autistic person you’ve met them all”

Is this ‘a saying’ and does she have a point or is this just ignorant? I honestly don’t find her that great a therapist and I feel like this might be a red flag to get rid.

Edit to correct second paragraph opening sentence. Second edit to say - Thanks all for the responses. I think she’s perhaps misquoted herself and meant to say ‘if you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person’ which I hadn’t heard before. If I had, I’d have questioned it more or got her to elaborate more rather than me try to relate to her misquoted phrase! Looking at it now, she must’ve misspoke and not realised I took her misquoted phrase literally because I didn’t know the correct version!