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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/DDemoNNexuS on 2024-04-09 07:46:53.

Basically, everytime Jugg does a slash, he will dash to the opposite side of the target that he’s slashing

* teleports behind you, nothing personal, kidd. *

With that in mind, it’s basically nothing unless you are absolutely aware that if you slash from where you at will cause you to be in 425 Range of another possible target, Or guarantee a second slash before going in range of other targets.

This knowledge serves no purpose.

As i’ve shown with a fast moving target you’ll start to realise it doesn’t matter cause at somepoint you’ll be flying everywhere

Also, bloodstone increases the Search radius.

Edit: deleted my previous post cause i actually dont know how to upload video on reddit lmao

Jugg’s omnislash