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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Fingerspitzenqefuhl on 2024-04-09 08:10:17.


Since ChatGPT 3.5 released, one of the most common predictions is that blue collar labour will survive. The general advice young people get is to become a plumber or electrician, because AI will be able to do the theoretical problems involved in being an electrician, but it will be too hard to create the robotics and is needed.

And that might be the case. However, if AI can do the theoretical work, all that is needed is a human body that than execute AI-instructions. Then it seems that all that is needed is some sort of headset, through which the AI can scan the environment and then present instructions through some augmented glasses to a human. Then any(human)body will suffice to do the work, at least if the work does not require high amounts of dexterity like, I don’t know, watchmakers, high end chef’s, surgery, tailors etc. If that is the case, then it does not seem like more low-level dexterity manual work, e.g. plumbing, is such a safe bet at all?

What do you guys think?