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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Sweet_Speech_9054 on 2024-04-09 17:49:06.

I had to let one of my managers go for multiple sexual harassment complaints. Then the assistant manager quit because “We have a right to privacy and that bitch was eavesdropping.” It should be noted they were in a break room, not even the break room they normally use.

Then, when I put new team members on the crew that crew immediately started harassing the female team member. It all culminated in another employee being fired when they found out the other new team member is bisexual and had a loud rant in the middle of the shop.

And to make it even worse, the rest of the crew is threatening to strike (they are anti union and part of the reason we don’t have a union at our company) because they say we are infringing their right to their political beliefs as republicans (which isn’t a protected class like sexual orientation is in my state).

So basically I have to replace an entire team (2 managers and 8 team members) be they are so convinced that they can discriminate against whoever they want and be protected because those views are political views.

How is the Republican Party not made entirely of unemployed people? The basis of their political views is to discriminate against protected classes. The craziest part is that some of these people are eligible for 3-6 months pay for a severance but they lose that if they quit without notice. So if they get fired for no-call no-show then they lose all of that.