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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/OneOnOne6211 on 2024-04-09 19:25:15.

Applying for jobs again today and I just came across this question again “Why are you excited about this job opportunity?” And I would just like to say: F*ck that question.

Why am I excited about this job opportunity?

Well, first of all, let’s tone it down a peg. I am not “excited” about it, ok? I’m sitting behind my computer screen scrolling through job listings and applying to anything half-decent that might fit my skills and experience. I was not sitting here, daydreaming about this job. I did not just yell loudily and happily and set off fireworks when I saw your job posting. This isn’t an application for a birthday party, it’s a freaking job application.

But, secondly, why do I want this job? I want this job because not starving to death is, usually, at least mildly preferable to starving to death.

You are a company. You have money. I am a worker. I need money. See how that works? There’s kind of a dynamic here.

But the most important reason why this question pisses me off is because… it’s ALL. THEATRE.

If you write down how excited you are about this new chance to deepen your skills, and grow as a person, and work with a team of exciting new people to make a difference in the world through designing f*cking ice cream cone shapes, you know you’re lying.

And if they’re not idiots, they know you’re lying.

Everyone involved knows you’re f*cking lying. So why have these questions?

I swear to god, this stuff makes me blow a gasket.