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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/ThatWasFortunate on 2024-04-09 16:50:49.

Inclusion should be a front and center issue when it comes to autism awareness talks. Many of us are perfectly capable of existing in this world with reasonable accommodations but we’re literally shut out of it.

I have been seeing so many “woe is me” type posts from parents of kids with autism on LinkedIn and it works against the very thing most autistic people on LinkedIn want, which is to improve the unemployment rate for autistic people. For example, one post compared raising an autistic child to flying a plane without a manual - flouting the number of resources that are out there.

If parents can’t even raise their child, of course a hiring manager is going to perceive autistic people as a burden and reject them. I just want to unmask and stay employed.

We really need the help of NT voices, but they need to champion OUR causes.