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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Affectionate-Hawk-38 on 2024-04-09 15:23:50.

Welp, I fucked up today… So my little sister, Got shot by her boyfriend in October, Shes now paralyzed from where she describes, as the top of her nipples, as in she cant feel anything from her nipples down. Anyways, My fiancée and I recently helped her get a custom electric wheelchair (Its got cup holders 😉 Damn cupholders costed nearly 700 bucks alone) and I personally go to her physical therapy wit her every Tuesday. The Physio is at a very nice hospital at next city over. On the hospital grounds, Is a very nice garden/park that has a very nice walking trail. My sister and I were going down the trail chatting,

Suddenly, we came across a big ass puddle.

She was like Huh, I don’t wanna splash water everywhere on myself and my chair, So ill go slightly onto the grass… She goes onto the grass to avoid the puddle, and her almost 600 pound wheelchair, plus her 200 pounds, Instantly sink into the mud. I ended up having to go back into the hospital to get assistance from nurses to help get her our. In the processes of trying to get her out of the mud, I got covered in mud…

Now, I’m used to being called a moron(Admittedly, I kind am lmao) … But this really just goes to say why, everyone calls me their lovable moron. So I, Covered in mud, Ask a nurse where the nearest bathroom is, She points down the hall. Me being covered in mud and just wanting to clean up, Ran into the nearest bathroom, Needing to clean myself I Threw my pants and shoes into the sink, and started to look around the bathroom. Mumbling to myself, while in my underwear. " Huh, There’s no urinals in this bathroom? Weird, My country really is becoming inclusive to the point that they are making bathrooms gender-neutral, How cool!"

Standing there in my underwear, a FEMALE NURSE walked in. She looked at me with the most confused look ever being like why the hell is this creep in here., as i looked at her going "wtf this is uncomfortable, I’m literally standing here in my underwear as this female nurse walked in… I smiled and nodded at her being like eh, whatever, Times are changing, I mean they replaced all the urinals with stalls to make it more inclusive. Makes sense to me, and we’ve been super accepting of it the trans community culturally wise. (at least I am and that was part of the problem here xD) So i was like whatever as they entered a stall… I then put my wet pants and shoes back on, and exited the bathroom. As i was leaving, I looked at the sign on the door. It had a lady on it. I had just stood there in my underwear, In the middle of the female bathroom, looking at a woman who walked in being like why the you in my bathroom, as she looked at me in confusion When I was in the wrong bathroom. FML

I have to say though, The fact that she didn’t say anything to me at all, Just smiled and nodded, was kind of weird.


Sorry this is my first post, Im not really sure how to make it, I’ve been watching r/Slash’s videos on youtube, and i was like huh, this might be fun for people to read, So i hope you like it.

Basically to summarize, I went on a walk with my sister after her physio, Got covered in mud, Stripped into my underwear in the female bathroom, had a female come look at me uncomfortably, as i looked at her as if she was in the wrong.