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The original was posted on /r/washingtondc by /u/KarateCheetah on 2024-04-09 18:31:40.

For those interested in local politics…

I found this part both hilarious and sad

A group of employees who collect evidence from crime scenes wrote to the board claiming that DFS leaders planned to make a variety of changes to their operations “that will drastically affect the unit and the quality of work we are capable of providing,” according to a copy of the letter forwarded to LL. The employees, who requested anonymity to avoid reprisal from DFS management, expressed alarm that the department wanted to phase out the use of a 3D laser scanning system they typically used to create detailed digital renderings of crime scenes, particularly those involving homicides, major auto accidents, or police shootings.

The employees argued that this would be a “detrimental” change “in our current state of being severely understaffed,” as it would require technicians to sketch and measure crime scenes on their own, a process that they said is both less detailed and more time-consuming than using the laser scanners.

That said I wonder how much of this level of dysfunction is happening all over the city - city government, federal agencies, private companies…