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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/zarathustra1313 on 2024-04-09 15:46:15.

Does anyone else feel/fear that work won’t go away?

Jevon’s paradox is the observation that as you make things more available and efficient demand for those things goes UP.


  • fuel efficiency advances in the 70s and 80s created the monster SUVs and Trucks of today full of features that use MORE fuel
  • The cotton gin was though to use cotton so efficiently that slavery would be abolished. INSTEAD it increased demand for slavery as demand surged for clothes

Humans a very energy efficient. And is a hyper abundant AI future, we may well want to work in gamified environments for fun or very little compensation. This may be enough to invent a bunch of bull shit jobs. Kind of a hyper version of what the Industrial Revolution did.
