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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/Shadeskira on 2024-04-09 21:23:16.

The council was silent as the nervous and shaking Ensign walked to the microphone, taking a shaking breath, he opened his report and glanced at the human diplomats. “Hello, i am ensign Kilati’uphtix Zolpear, of the Kianx Collection…” he swallowed nervously “i have been tasked with providing Supreme Commander Zolk’s daily report on the situation in the Gamma sector…”

“Where is Supreme Commander Zolk, Ensign!?” The high Chancellor roared.

The Ensign’s natural camouflage flared and made him translucent for a second before he calmed down and spoke in a shaking voice “he passed out sir, the new developments in our war shocked him…” The Ensign shifted back to staring at the happy-faced humans.

“WHAT DEVELOPMENTS!” The high Chancellor roared again.

“The enemy is retreating sir…” the Ensign choked out, his eyes not leaving the humans.

“Expl… explain” the high chancellor said, confused and stunned.

“As you know all signatories of our council must contribute to ongoing galactic level wars…” the Ensign started before swallowing down some fear and mustered his courage to continue. “The latest reinforcement was from the humans, sir, but they sent…” The ensign froze as the humans smiled wide, and continued as the lead diplomat gave him a nod, “They sent six thousand ships sir, and twelve million ground forces with dedicated transport and support fleet numbering an additional three thousand, they took operational control of the sector and have liberated six worlds across four systems… sir.”

The council was eerily silent as the news sunk in, they had all dismissed humanity’s claims to reinforce with warriors, knowing them as the merchants and diplomats of the galaxy, so to hear the news that they had mustered so many ships and troops was understandably jarring.

The Ensign continued, “The Humans… have also… made contact with the enemy sir…”

The High Chancellor looked to the human delegation for confirmation, which Ambassador Sam Kriger gave with a nod. “Eleaborate Ambassador…”

The Human Ambassador stood up and smiled. “The enemy we have been fighting call themselves the Vor, They are a hierarchical hive mind of insects from a class six death world.” He says calmly, announcing the existence of the only other class six deathworlders in the galaxy, the other one is the calm and collected humans. “They attacked because they require resources to feed their growing population, and the Human Empire is currently negotiating for peace.”

“Y-you can’t do that… you are a signatory, not a seated race.” the high chancellor said, angry at the brazen break from the bylaws of their Federation.

“Well… see the Vor refuse to speak to anything they deem as a non-threat. Deathworld mentality and all that nonsense.” The Ambassador said back calmly, “To be frank, humanity understands their point of view, but we just took a different path in space, we came to you with peace and friendship because we didn’t feel like dealing with a galactic-level war. I mean honestly your entire military force was having trouble with their harvesting fleets”

The silence that followed the news that they were losing to fleets not meant for warfare was broken by the Ensign passing out at the podium. The multiple bio-reactions to fear, dread, and horror from the 200 delegates lit the room up in a mesmerizing display. But the Human Ambassador continued “So… The Vor will not parlay with the federation, because to them you are all petulant children playing at governance, however, they have recognized Humanity as equals and are amiable to staying in their corner of the Galaxy if we ship them 30 trillion tons of foodstuffs suitable for carbon lifeforms. Moreover, they seem ready to agree to a Defensive pact with humanity which will extend their military support to the federation if humanity is not ousted.”