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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Molly_Deconstructing on 2024-04-09 22:08:24.

I’m done. I’ve been done longer than I had realized. Looking back I can see how long I’ve been PIMO. My TBM husband ( RM, Eagle scout, Seminary graduate - the trifecta for a TBM young woman!!!) hasn’t admitted to me or himself how PIMO he really is.

For years I’ve been leading any church activity - RS president, YW president, Primary presidency, YW camp director, Trek manager, temple attendance. Meals for anyone! Meals for everyone! Neglect my daughters to serve others? They’ll be blessed!!. My husband has been in bishoprics, YM presidencies, Scout leader, Primary/sunday school teacher - all of those he’s fulfilled at the bare minimum level.

I told him I was done, that I love him and our family. That i would attend church with him as long as he’d like, I’d even wear my garments if that’s what he’d like. It’s been a bit tense at times, but mostly not bad. I’ve picked the WoW apart and pointed out the absurdity of it and brought home wine. That bother him, he actually picks up my adult beverages for me. - small victory

I’ve stopped wearing garments to bed - he LOVES that - small victory

My garments come off as soon as I get home - He LOVES seeing me around the hou. I se in short shorts & tank tops - small victory (I’m shedding garments slowly - it’s SO ingrained in my brain and it’s been 28 years, I’m trying to find gentile underwear I like lol)

Sunday about 11am he said something about “after church” - I said there’s not church today, he asks blankly ‘why not’ I replied it was GC, he asked ‘why aren’t we watching?’ I told him I had no desire to listen to the 15 call me a lazy learner when it was scripture study and prayer that showed me TSCC wasn’t true. He got quiet and then asked if I wanted to watch a movie - another small victory

Last night I did our taxes and found out he has been paying fast offerings (he doesn’t fast lol) but has NOT been paying tithing! - another small victory.

I’m just going to keep on shedding mormonism, be grateful for the small victories and wait. He’s PIMO and just hasn’t admitted it.

The weightlessness I feel after so many years carrying all the burdens of mormon woman, knowing I’ll never be enough is AMAZING

Thanks for listening, in the name unshackled exmos everywhere, Amen